
A stream error is a signal that something went wrong in the stream. It can occur in one of the following stream stages:

  • during stream creation
  • during stream processing

In this guide, you will learn how to inspect errors in a stream based on the stage it occurred.

Stream creation errors

A stream creation error is an error that can be determined ahead of time, before the stream starts processing. It can occur due to various reasons, such as:

  • invalid stream configuration
  • maximum number of concurrent streams reached
  • insufficient compute capacity
  • authn or authz errors

The stream creation error may occur only in the upload phase, and it will result in a non-2xx HTTP status code.

The response body will be a standard Error Response JSON object, which can look like this:

  "statusCode": 400,
  "title": "Invalid stream configuration",
  "message": "Forbidden patch: /langs",
  "nestedErrors": []

Stream processing errors

A stream processing error is an asynchronous error that occurs during the stream processing phase due to request data processing problems. It can occur due to various reasons, such as:

  • invalid or missing request data
  • unsupported payload type
  • payload too large

An asynchronous error will cause the stream to enter in the FAILED state, and it can be identified either by regularly polling the stream state or receiving a stream.failed webhook notification.

The error details can be extracted from the stream components state. The response can look like this:

    "streamId": "46df931a-3622-4c39-80fe-70d636e99ba5",
    "groupId": "46df931a-3622-4c39-80fe-70d636e99ba5",
    "state": "FAILED",
    "stateDescription": null,
    "stateChangedTimestamp": "2025-02-19T04:42:32.344Z",
    "gateway": {
        "state": "CLOSED",
        "stateChangedTimestamp": "2025-02-19T04:42:28.037Z"
    "processors": [
            "processorId": "transcriber",
            "state": "ERROR",
            "stateChangedTimestamp": "2025-02-19T04:42:32.328Z",
            "stateDescription": "External close signal received"
            "processorId": "diarization",
            "state": "ERROR",
            "stateChangedTimestamp": "2025-02-19T04:42:32.298Z",
            "stateDescription": "[InternalErrorName.GENERAL_INTERNAL_ERROR] JobFailedException: Job 5fb5614f-8959-409f-931f-3f9a4f233130-e1 failed with status FAILED: [Errno 1094995529] Invalid data found when processing input: ..."
            "processorId": "llm",
            "state": "COMPLETED",
            "stateChangedTimestamp": "2025-02-19T04:42:28.027Z",
            "stateDescription": "Stream has no prompt enabled"

Here we can see that the transcriber and diarization processors are in the ERROR state. The stateDescription field provides additional information about the error.

The External close signal received message indicates that the processor was closed by either a cancel action from the user or from an automatic cancel due to other processor failure in the same pipeline.