API Documentation
- Egress
- Export
- Websocket
- Webhook
- HTTP Gateway
- Errors
Stream configuration
Stream state event
Event regarding stream state changed
Group id of the stream
Owner of the resource this event relates to
Stream object representing the current state of the stream
Stream id. It can be either auto-generated or specified by the user
Arbitrary name of the stream
The id of the streams group
Configuration object of a stream
The ID of the underlying stream configuration template
Required information for connecting to a topic
Fully qualified topic name (including tenant, namespace etc.)
Fully qualified schema name
Properties for connecting to the topic
Topic headers
Headers to be applied on all messages sent to this topic
Association of processor id and corresponding sink topic. Only the processor with a sink destination are present.
Required information for connecting to a topic
Fully qualified topic name (including tenant, namespace etc.)
Fully qualified schema name
Properties for connecting to the topic
Topic headers
Headers to be applied on all messages sent to this topic
Map of component name and subscription associations
Configurations array of stream processors objects
Auto-generated id of the configuration
Information regarding a subscription to a topic
The subscription name
Fully qualified topic name (including tenant, namespace)
Fully qualified schema name
Properties for connecting to the subscription
Subscription headers. Pattern: X-Vat-Sub-[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$
Required information for connecting to a topic
Fully qualified topic name (including tenant, namespace etc.)
Fully qualified schema name
Properties for connecting to the topic
Topic headers
Headers to be applied on all messages sent to this topic
Map of component name and subscription associations
The internal DNS of the processor pod (e.g. my-statefulset-0.svc.cluster.local)
Internal DNS of the headless service that exposes the pods (e.g. headless-service.default.svc.cluster.local)
Fully qualified name of AVRO schema for processor properties
, tech.vatis.schema.stream.processor.properties.whispergpu.WhisperGpuProcessorPropertiesDto
, tech.vatis.schema.stream.processor.properties.vad.VoiceActivityDetectorPropertiesDto
, tech.vatis.schema.stream.processor.properties.fasterwhisper.FasterWhisperProcessorPropertiesDto
, tech.vatis.schema.stream.processor.properties.pyannote.PyAnnoteProcessorPropertiesDto
, tech.vatis.schema.stream.processor.properties.liveasr.LiveAsrProcessorPropertiesDto
, tech.vatis.schema.stream.processor.properties.llm.LlmPropertiesDto
, tech.vatis.schema.stream.processor.properties.NoPropertiesDto
Processor properties
Media input format. If null, it'll be auto-detected
Media output format
Output buffer size in bytes. This represents the size of the output packets
Arguments used for the transcoding command
Properties for probing the input. The probing ends when either of its specified limits is reached
Transcoding mode. 0: streaming, 1: file, null: auto-detect. File mode is used for transcoding media type that require re-reading the input data. This comes with an increased latency making it not suitable for live streaming, and limitation of upload size
Configuration for persisting and filtering the results of a processor
Whether to persist the results of the processor. Only final results will be persisted.
Mark this processor as sink to capture the output. By default, all leaf processors are sinks.
Tags of the sink. Only used when sink is true. Tags can be used to select the sinks. By default, all sink processors will have the processor id as a tag, and each leaf processor will additionally have the 'main' tag. They must respect the pattern '^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+$' and be up to 255 characters long. The maximum number of tags is 10.
List of configured dynamic webhooks.
The id of the webhook endpoint
The url of the webhook endpoint
The events that the webhook endpoint should be triggered on
Whether the webhook endpoint is enabled
A description of the webhook endpoint
Id of the user that created this stream
Id of the user that created the group of this stream. This should save round-trips to stream-service for access control checks
Stream's state
Description of the current stream state, most probably the error details
Timestamp when the stream was finalized
List of dynamic webhooks configured for this event
The id of the webhook endpoint
The url of the webhook endpoint
The events that the webhook endpoint should be triggered on
Whether the webhook endpoint is enabled
A description of the webhook endpoint
"streamId": "3c90c3cc-0d44-4b50-8888-8dd25736052a",
"groupId": "3c90c3cc-0d44-4b50-8888-8dd25736052a",
"state": "READY",
"subject": "<string>",
"stream": {
"streamId": "3c90c3cc-0d44-4b50-8888-8dd25736052a",
"name": "<string>",
"groupId": "3c90c3cc-0d44-4b50-8888-8dd25736052a",
"configuration": {
"streamConfigurationTemplateId": "<string>",
"dataSource": {
"topic": "<string>",
"messageSchema": "<string>",
"connectionOptions": {},
"headers": {},
"messageHeaders": {},
"subscriptions": {}
"dataSinks": {},
"processors": [
"id": "<string>",
"source": {
"subscription": "<string>",
"topic": "<string>",
"messageSchema": "<string>",
"connectionOptions": {},
"headers": {}
"destination": {
"topic": "<string>",
"messageSchema": "<string>",
"connectionOptions": {},
"headers": {},
"messageHeaders": {},
"subscriptions": {}
"clusterDomainName": "<string>",
"podsDiscoveryClusterDomainName": "<string>",
"propertiesSchema": "tech.vatis.schema.stream.processor.properties.transcoder.TranscoderProcessorPropertiesDto",
"properties": {
"inputFormat": "<string>",
"outputFormat": "<string>",
"outputBufferSize": 123,
"commandArguments": [
"argument": "<string>",
"value": "<string>"
"ffprobe": {
"probeSize": "<string>",
"analyzeDuration": "<string>",
"commandArguments": [
"argument": "<string>",
"value": "<string>"
"mode": 123
"egress": {
"persist": true,
"sink": true,
"tags": [
"dynamicWebhookEndpoints": [
"id": "<string>",
"url": "<string>",
"events": [
"enabled": true,
"description": "<string>"
"createdTimestamp": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"creatorId": "<string>",
"groupCreatorId": "<string>",
"state": "READY",
"stateDescription": "<string>",
"finalizedTimestamp": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z"
"dynamicWebhookEndpoints": [
"id": "<string>",
"url": "<string>",
"events": [
"enabled": true,
"description": "<string>"